Saturday, May 18, 2024
The Singer Industrial Sewing Machine is Ideal for Heavy Fabrics – Our Guide
Home sewing machines are handy for small-scale projects, but you’ll likely need to invest in an industrial device if you want to take your sewing capabilities to the next level. They offer increased stitching speeds...
singer handHeld sewing machine review featured image
Handheld sewing machines can be convenient, versatile, and a great solution for small-scale repairs and simple sewing tasks. These unique machines can be useful, but they are not always built to the same standards. This...
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Whether you are new to sewing, or you have been sewing for many years, it can be difficult deciding if you should purchase a computerized sewing machine, or a more traditional mechanical machine. The truth...
What is a Free Arm Sewing Machine – Beginner’s Handbook
If you’ve ever wondered what a free arm sewing machine is, we can help. This guidebook will explain what exactly free arm sewing machines are. We'll also look at some of the device’s advantages and...
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While the basic mechanics are relatively unchanged, domestic sewing machines have come a long way since the early days of clunky, mechanical models. Now it is possible to purchase a reliable sewing machine that features an...
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If you have a small work area with limited storage space, you might be interested in a mini sewing machine. These compact sewing machines offer many of the same benefits you get with a full-sized sewing...
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Selecting which embroidery sewing machine to use for a beginner can be overwhelming. Since these machines come loaded with different features, you can use it to fit any embroidery design you want to create. Some...
Compact and portable sewing machines are designed for easy storage and if you need to take it to another location. If you don’t have a dedicated sewing machine table, or you’re a sewing enthusiast looking...
Quilting is a rewarding hobby practiced all over the world. The opportunity to flex your creative muscles while making something that will last for years is a constant appeal of quilting. But, as with many...
If you think of yourself as the ultimate DIYer, you probably already know the benefits of die cutting when it comes to making creative designs. If you cut materials for new projects often, then you...