Sewing is one of those activities that has never seen a decline ever since it first began. It has always been an essential profession and eventually people began adapting it as a hobby as well. Now, if you’re looking to get into sewing or simply looking for your first own sewing machine, this janome 2212 sewing machine review will give you a detailed look into what you should be aiming for.

If you’re completely new to this, then you might find out that there is a lot more information that goes into a sewing machine than meets the eye. There are a lot of internal mechanisms that effect their functionality and that is something we have to consider before purchasing one.

The features you want in your sewing machine largely depend on what you want to use it for and how you plan on using it. If you’re a professional, there are a lot of advanced features you might want in your sewing machine. For using it in household, the speed and convenience might be more important.

These factors heavily vary from person to person and you must decide yourself which features will aide you the best in your use case. In a more generalized case, the build quality and reliability of the machine is something everyone should consider. This of course comes with price but it is always a worthy investment especially if you plan on keeping it long term.

So, let us look at the janome 2212 sewing machine review and see which of its features appeal to which category of people and how good of a purchase it would be for you.

Needle Threader


Built-In Stitches

Buttonhole (Styles & Steps)

Presser Feet

Reverse Stitch

Overall Ratings

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Janome 2212 Sewing Machine

This model is a very interesting take on what one could consider a budget sewing machine. It’s not really cheap but it does come at a price far below what is usually considered premium and for that price, it offers some very surprising features.

Some of these features, while unusual, works out really well for this machine and make it worth a lot more than it would be without them. Now, this might not sit well with a lot of users, who prefer a consistent experience across the board but it is otherwise a surprisingly good product.

It also has all the features you’d need for home use and offers a capable motor that is also easy to run making a case for portability as well. It does not have enough quality to be the best in any category and its pros are balanced by its negatives but it is still a very compelling option.

To find out what exactly makes this rather unorthodox sewing machine appealing, here are all of its features followed by our own assessment as to how it stacks up with some competition.

Janome 2212 Sewing Machine
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Dial knob for pattern selection: This machine employs a dial system for selecting one of the built-in patterns. In addition to providing excellent patterns, it is also very easy to select them on the go and use them to save a lot of time and effort in the long run.

Built-in stitches: It comes with 12 different stitches that are built-in to this model. They are all very well programmed and work flawlessly when used. They again, serve the purpose of making the task easier for the user and adding a supportive layer from the machine in aiding their work.

Drop feed system: This is a system that is not always used because of the possibility of jamming but in this case, the entire system is refined and implemented. The obvious advantage is of course the possibility of being able to automatically feed the thread throughout the stitching.

Reverse lever: A clever implementation of regular lever that lets you choose a stitching mode. This lever works great for locking a particular stitch and not having to worry about it ever going out of sync as long as you keep the lever locked.

Vertical oscillating hook bobbin: The oscillating hook bobbin is driven by linkage between individual shafts. It does not have a belt that keeps track of the hook timing and therefore has far fewer rotating parts on the inside. This makes the machine easier to maintain as well as reducing the cost.

High pressure foot lift: The foot lift is aided by a separate mechanism that allows you to apply a lot more pressure than normally used to with foot lifts. This will not only allow you to work on heavier cloth but also opens up other options.


Easy to use with the dial knob and other simple systems in place.

Offers a lot of features like the reverse lever and drop feed system that you usually don’t see in this price point.

Very fast thanks to the oscillating hook bobbin.

Comes with an easy to understand manual for beginners.


Does a poor job of remaining stable on any surface.

The thread holders are made of plastic and might break with repeated use.

Our Expert’s Opinion

This is a very interesting sewing machine for a few reasons. The primary being, it’s clearly meant to be able to punch far about its weight and its certainly designed that way. But how well does it succeed in doing that?

In some aspects, quite well. The dial system they use for selecting stitching built-in patterns is a great idea as opposed to traditional buttons or levers which are either too expensive to make or slightly more complicated to use. This is a cheap solution that also happens to work very well.

Another surprisingly well implemented system is the drop feed system which makes it far easier to continuously use the machine without having to worry about frequent breaks due to jamming. The system is very well implemented which is often not the case at such a low price.

This combined with the moderately powerful motor make this machine very fast and you can get a lot of work done quickly. So, this isn’t a bad choice even for someone who intends to get a lot of sewing done. It offers both, consistency and speed required for that.

Another notable aspect of this machine is that it uses an oscillating hook model for the bobbin. This is a very basic model that is easy to manufacture and maintain but misses on the various possibilities you get with the regular rotary system.

It is still well implemented in this particular model and you’re unlikely to face any problems. Infact, it is much easier to maintain due to the lack of too many rotary parts. This offers beginners a much easier time with the machine while not really missing much.


The perfect word to describe this product is ambitious. From the janome 2212 sewing machine review, it is very clear that this machine has been made to do a lot more than is expected from it. This turns out to be both an advantage and a disadvantage.

While it certainly succeeds in offering features that put its value far above its asking price, it also had to make some compromises that you don’t usually find in this price point. It certainly puts it in a unique position where anyone who is willing to take a little risk would get a lot out of it but there are certainly other competing options.