Sewing is defined as the process of combining two or more fabrics to form an end product. The basic materials required for sewing are thread and a needle. The thread is inserted in the needle and used to stitch fabrics.

Our forefathers used to do stitching manually. Manual sewing consumes a lot of time. The accuracy obtained by this method is mediocre. To do sewing manually, loads of training and rehearsing is required. 

The manual sewing machine used to consume a lot of time and energy. The accuracy of the stitches was also not great.

The invention of the sewing machine has helped the human race largely. Manually sewing a cloth takes a lot of time, using a machine for this purpose reduces ample time. For the people in the sewing business, time is crucial. Thus, the sewing machine is advantageous for quick mending of fabric.

After the invention of the mechanical sewing machine, the electric ones were invented. These machines made the sewing process easy and comfortable. These machines require less manpower, they are operated by the click of a button.  

In today’s world, where everything is getting digitized and technologically smart. The sewing machine now is also technologically advanced now. The machines have become fully computerized and autonomous.

The computerized sewing machine has made the sewing process much comfortable and enjoyable. These smart machines are fully automatic. The sewing process is carried out with minimal human interference.

One of the finest examples of the modern-day computerized sewing machine is the one manufactured by Singer.

The Singer 2259 is a top-rated sewing machine because of its amazing properties and performance.

Here in this article, the Singer 2259 review is penned down with all the ins and outs of this extraordinary device.

Needle Threader


Built-In Stitches

Buttonhole (Styles & Steps)

Presser Feet

Reverse Stitch

Overall Ratings

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Singer 2259 Sewing Machine

The first brand which comes in one mind while talking about the sewing machine is Singer. Singer is the first-ever company to produce the sewing machines. Since then this company has never looked back and is delivering quality products and services to date.

The machine is fully automized, all the processes are carried out bu the push of a button. This machine can be used for quilting as well. The machine is equipped with numerous buttonholes for specific stitches and fabrics. The machine is fully digitized, the digital screen helps in easy execution of all the functions.

This product is blessed with technologically advanced features that helps in easy operation of the machine. The product is quite versatile. It has numerous stitching methods pre-built in them. This machine can stitch any type of fabric with ease and perfection.

This product is quite reliable and independent. It performs the tasks autonomously with minimum human intervention. The stitching process is done with great accuracy and at a faster rate. 

Singer 2259 Sewing Machine
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Numerous stitching patterns: The machine is pre-programmed with some stitch patterns. It has 19 stitches patterns such as decorative stitches, utility stitches, satin stitches, buttonhole stitches, etc.

High presser feet: The high presser feet come in handy while stitching multiple layers of fabric. The high presser feet lets you adjust the height of the fabric for easy stitching

Stitch length and width: The length and width of the stitches can be modified in this machine. The dial provided on the machine is used to adjust the measurements of the width easily

Free arm movement: The machine has the ability to move freely. This feature comes in handy while stitching collars, sleeves or cuffs. This feature also helps in making embroidery

Types of presser feet: The machine is provided with several presser feet. The same presser foot can’t be used for all the sewing process. Therefore, the presser feet are provided such as the zipper foot, buttonhole foot, button sewing foot, and regular foot

Tension adjustment: The machine has a tension adjustment feature. This feature allows you to adjust the tension on the thread, by pushing a button

Buttonhole system: The buttonhole system of this machine is executed in 4 simple steps. The buttonholes are neat and accurate

Needle threader: The machine has an automatic needle threader. By pushing the lever, the thread goes through the needle’s eye with ease

Construction: The design of the machine is quite simple. The machine is made up of metal. The outer metal frame provides the required strength and hardness that increases the durability of the machine


Value for money

The sewing is done at a faster rate


Excellent design

The stitches are accurate and neat

Easy to operate


The bobbin system jams at times

Our Expert’s Opinion

Stitching is quite a complicated process, it requires skills to perform it. But with the help of this sewing machine, the sewing process has become much easier and faster. A person with minimum sewing skills can stitch fabrics on this machine. This product is quite versatile. It has numerous types of stitching methods pre-installed in them. The stitching in this sewing machine is of great quality and accuracy. It takes less amount of time to stitch than manual sewing.

It is very easy to operate. It performs with great accuracy and precision. This product is highly versatile. It can perform multiple types of stitching. The presser foot come in handy while stitching heavy cloth. The multiple needle position adds on to the versatility of the product. Hence, this product is an amazing product with a simple and effective procedure.

This computerized sewing machine by Singer is a quality product. This machine does stitching at a faster rate. The stitches are neat and accurate. The machine is significantly versatile. This machine is fully automatic. It has made the sewing process easy and comfortable.

Creating varieties of items such as gowns, quilts, clothing, home decor, etc. and many other elements can be stitched with the help of this sewing machine. The machine is easy to use. The stitches made using this are quite strong and accurate.

This computerized machine performs all the tasks with great accuracy and efficiency. This machine is equipped with different types of stitching patterns. This machine is capable of stitching different types of fabrics and can stitch multiple layers of fabrics as well.

This machine by Singer is a quality product. One of the rare qualities possessed by this machine as compared to other variants is- it is light in weight. This sewing machine can be easily placed in the cover handed with the product. This makes this product portable. This sewing machine can be used by beginners as well because of its user-friendly nature.

This sewing machine was introduced in the market to reduce the time consumed in sewing. The machine does prove its motive. The threader automatically does the threading easily and comfortably.


 Overall, this product by Singer is a fine quality device. This modern-dahs sewing machine makes sure that the stitches performed are accurate and neat. The efficiency of this machine is commendable.

This machine has made the sewing process enjoyable. This machine is quite versatile and can perform several sewing processes with elegance. This machine comes in handy for fashion designing aspirants. This machine gives value for money. 

So, after reading this article of the Singer 2259 review, with all the features of this exemplary product.